Annexe G


Resettlement pathway review - key recommendations


Based on previous review work which included lived experience consultations, research, and focus groups, it was decided that focus should be on 4 groups accessing the pathway:   


1.     Women

2.     Young People

3.     People with multiple/complex needs

4.     Lower-level needs (prevention/rapid rehousing)


Some key themes/recommendations that cut across the groups and whole system:


·        Need to adopt (or build on) a strengths-based, person-centred, positive risk-taking approach - tailor support to the individual’s needs.

·        Need for more flexibility within the pathway (tiers, criteria, too linear, time limited etc.) to give workers and service users more choice and control.

·        Pay, training, support and working conditions need to be improved and consistent across the workforce to attract and retain skilled staff.  This should help to enhance the quality and consistency of support and strengthen relationships between staff and customers.

·        Better collaborative/joined up working between services - more coordinated approach, offering more consistency. 

·        Specialist mental health support is needed within the pathway.

·        Build on trauma-informed practice.

·        Housing supply - access to good quality, affordable and secure housing - people getting stuck, bottlenecks, difficult to keep away from negative influences and progress with other support needs.

·        More opportunities for social connection, meaningful activities, and safe spaces.